Smartset was born from the Smart Cards division of Formaset, a pioneer in the graphic segment of Brazil and Latin America, with a presence of more than 25 years in the market.
During the last decades, investors have detected the market urgently requested high-tech solutions. Therefore, We seek continuous improvements in production processes in order to offer products and services that meet the needs of our customers.
Our goal is to become world leaders in digital security.
The number of smartphone users will exceed 6 billion by 2022. That is why the technology we offer responds to these new challenges and connection opportunities, making it possible for these mobile devices to store an incredible amount of information within end users hand's reach.
MORE DETAILSAt Smartset we understand that personal identity is a precious asset and that is why we offer global society a reliable identity that can be used at any time and place, whether in real life or online.
MORE DETAILSConsumer confidence is the basis for any type of transaction. Smartset offers a payment solution portfolio that consists of a wide range of products and services, including:
MORE DETAILSVasta experiência na implementação de sistemas de cartões de transporte em vários países. Estabelecimento da interoperabilidade entre hardware e software da infraestrutura de emissão de bilhetes. Desenvolvemos soluções sob medida em parceria com os clientes.
MORE DETAILSDesde um único componente para o seu sistema de gerenciamento de fidelidade até a implementação completa de um esquema de fidelidade, oferecemos suporte a uma grande variedade de serviços.