Smartset established itself among the main players in the mobile operator market, positioning itself with products, services and high value-added solutions, working in this way with the main mobile network operators in South America and Latin America. With the explosion in the number of smartphones around the world, the progressive launch of mobile broadband and the future arrival of 5G as well as the exponential growth of the mobile Internet, mobile network operators have acquired a fundamental role because they offer exemplary levels of availability and quality of the network in order to guarantee a perfect continuity of the experience of the user, guaranteeing at the same time the ideal security of all the exchanged data.
To achieve this goal, Smartset is in full condition to provide SIM cards, solutions and high quality services that guarantee the availability of the network such as 4G SIM cards and the latest generation OTA platform.
Smartset also allows you to offer your customers value-added services.
2G/3G SIM Cards
(native & Java platforms)
LTE / 4G
SIM Cards
M2M SIM Cards
Industive cards
Packaging design/brochures/inserts
SIM Aplications